关于「 h100」的内容列表

Musk: xAI is building its own system of 100,000 H100 chips

Musk said that xAI is building its own system of 100,000 H100 chips to achieve the fastest completion time.

2024-07-10 06:15:27


2024-07-10 06:15:27
io.net: 300 NVIDIA H100 GPUs have been integrated into the infrastructure network

io.net announced that it has integrated more than 300 NVIDIA H100 GPUs from Aethir into its infrastructure network. Aethir and io.net will deploy a combined 1,000 H100 GPUs by the end of May, three times the number of all available H100 GPUs from Web3 competitors, providing significantly increased computing power for more complex and demanding computing tasks. io.net and Aethir entered into a strategic partnership in April to democratize and decentralize artificial intelligence infrastructure us...

2024-05-14 13:07:54
io.net:已将300个NVIDIA H100 GPU整合到基础设施网络中

io.net宣布已将来自Aethir的超过300个NVIDIA H100 GPU整合到其基础设施网络中。Aethir和io.net将在5月底之前共计部署1,000个H100 GPU,是Web3竞争对手所有可用H100 GPU数量的3倍,显著提升的计算能力可处理更复杂和需求更高的计算任务。 io.net与Aethir于4月达成战略合作,双方将利用由64万个GPU和CPU组成的网络,实现人工智能基础设施的民主化和去中心化,使超级计算能力更具经济性、更易...

2024-05-14 13:07:54
By the end of this year, Tesla will have 85,000 NVIDIA H100 GPUs for training artificial intelligence.

By the end of this year, Tesla will have 85,000 NVIDIA H100 GPUs for training artificial intelligence.

2024-04-24 05:39:17
马斯克:到今年年底,特斯拉将拥有8.5万块英伟达H100 GPU用于训练人工智能。

马斯克:到今年年底,特斯拉将拥有8.5万块英伟达H100 GPU用于训练人工智能。

2024-04-24 05:39:17
1. Intel launches a new AI chip: inference performance is 50% faster than NVIDIA H100. 2. Semiconductor mature processes may have control risks

1. Intel launches a new AI chip: inference performance is 50% faster than NVIDIA H100. 2. The mature semiconductor process may have control risks, and the industry's assessment of the impact varies. 3. South Korea promises to quickly seek chip investment incentives. 4. Western Data reports a supply shortage of HDDs and SSDs, and NAND flash and hard disk products are adjusting prices. 5. Microchip and TSMC expand cooperation and activate TSMC's Japanese Kumamoto subsidiary's 40nm production capac...

2024-04-10 13:10:20
1. 英特尔推出新款AI芯片:推理性能比英伟达H100快50%。2. 半导体成熟制程或有管控风险,...

1. 英特尔推出新款AI芯片:推理性能比英伟达H100快50%。2. 半导体成熟制程或有管控风险,业内研判影响不一。3. 韩国承诺迅速寻求芯片投资激励措施。4. 西部数据称HDD和SSD出现供应短缺,NAND闪存和硬盘产品正在调整价格。5. Microchip与台积电扩大合作,启用台积电日本熊本子公司40nm产能。6. 晶合集成:55纳米单芯片、高像素背照式图像传感器批量量产。7. 士兰微董秘澄清“买芯片股票”:系长期股权投资取得的权益性资产。8. 蚂蚁旗下公司入股AI芯片商墨芯。9. 澜起科技率先试产DDR5时钟驱动器(CKD)芯片。10. Counterpoint:2023年第四季度全球晶圆代工行业收入环比增长约10%。

2024-04-10 13:10:20
【每日科技要闻速递:英特尔推出性能超H100的芯片、波音工程师曝光飞机缺陷】新能源汽车:1. 乘联会:3月...

【每日科技要闻速递:英特尔推出性能超H100的芯片、波音工程师曝光飞机缺陷】新能源汽车:1. 乘联会:3月新能源车市场零售70.9万辆,同比增长29.5%2. 智己汽车再次致歉:无意挑战小米的泼天流量。3. 极氪:辟谣降价,所有车型的价格和购车权益均以下定时App显示为准。集成电路(芯片):1. 谷歌发布基于ARM架构的数据中心处理器和新的人工智能芯片。2. 英特尔发布Gaudi 3芯片,将在第三季度广泛上市,声称的性能超过H100芯片。3. 中国电科研发的太赫兹芯片出货量突破10万只。人工智能:1. 意大利草案显示,拟对与人工智能相关的犯罪实施严厉处罚措施。2. 据日经新闻:微软将在日本数据中心投资29亿美元。3. 韩国总统尹锡悦:韩国计划到2027年在人工智能和人工智能芯片领域投资9.4万亿韩元。其他要闻:1. 波音工程师指控波音777、787飞机存在制造缺陷。2. 空客3月交付63架飞机,今年累计交付142架飞机。3. 波音3月份交付了29架飞机,一季度交付了83架飞机,是自2021年第二季度以来的最低水平。

2024-04-10 07:38:37
1. Nvidia AI chip H200 has started to be supplied, with a performance improvement of 60% -90% compared to H100. 2. The United States may soon announce a "ban..."

1. Nvidia AI chip H200 has started to be supplied, with a performance improvement of 60% -90% compared to H100. 2. It has been exposed that the United States may soon release a list of Chinese chip companies that are prohibited from receiving critical technologies. Our embassy responded that the United States will stop generalizing its national security concept. 3. SMIC: Net profit in 2023 was 903 million US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 50.4%. 4. TSMC has established a 2nm process constru...

2024-03-29 13:22:17
1. 英伟达AI芯片H200开始供货,性能相比H100提升60%-90%。2. 美国被曝可能很快公布“禁止...

1. 英伟达AI芯片H200开始供货,性能相比H100提升60%-90%。2. 美国被曝可能很快公布“禁止接收关键技术的中国芯片企业名单”,我使馆回应:美国停止泛化国家安全概念。3. 中芯国际:2023年净利润9.03亿美元,同比降50.4%。4. 台积电确立2nm制程建厂计划。5. 三星正式在产品目录中列出GDDR7显存芯片。6. Counterpoint:2023年Q4台积电晶圆代工独占61%份额。7. 韩国2月半导体产量飙升65.3%,创14年最大增幅。8. 三星电子预计今年HBM产能将是去年的2.9倍,高于此前预期。9. 美国务院:美国与墨西哥将合作发展半导体供应链。10. 广和通发布基于高通高算力芯片的具身智能机器人开发平台Fibot。

2024-03-29 13:22:17

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